Test Series - cyber security

Test Number 10/13

Q: The _______________ is a security app by Microsoft which is a built-in one into Windows OS that is designed to filter network data from your Windows system & block harmful communications or the programs which are initiating them.
A. Windows Security Essentials
B. Windows Firewall
C. Windows app blocker
D. Windows 10
Solution: The Windows Firewall is a security app by Microsoft which is a built-in one into Windows OS that is designed to filter network data from your Windows system & block harmful communications or the programs which are initiating them.
Q: Which of the following is not a type of virus?
A. Multipartite
B. Trojans
C. Polymorphic
D. Boot sector
Solution: Types of viruses are System or Boot Sector Virus, Direct Action Virus, Resident Virus, Multipartite Virus, Polymorphic Virus, Overwrite Virus, Space-filler Virus, File infectors, Macro Virus, Rootkit virus. Trojan does not come under types of virus.
Q: By gaining access to the Trojaned system the attacker can stage different types of attack using that ____________ program running in the background.
A. Antivirus
B. Virus
C. Anti-malware
D. Trojan
Solution: By gaining access to the Trojaned system the attacker can stage different types of attack using that Trojan program running in the background when the infected user’s system goes online.
Q: The ______________ can cost you money, by sending text messages from your mobile phone numbers.
A. Ransom Trojan
B. SMS Trojan
C. IM – Trojans
D. Backdoor Trojans
Solution: The SMS Trojans can cost you money, by sending text messages from your mobile phone numbers. These generally target the smart-phones & some of them are designed to send their own composed SMS also, to embarrass the receiver as well as the sender of the SMS.
Q: The owner of botnets can control the botnet using ___________________ software.
A. servers
B. infected servers
C. command and control
D. trojans
Solution: A botnet owner can govern and manage the botnet through command & programs. Botnets are implemented to carry out distributed DDoS attacks, steal data, send spam messages & permits the hacker to access various devices & its connection.
Q: ______________deals with the protection of an individual’s information which is implemented while using the Internet on any computer or personal device.
A. Digital protection
B. Digital secrecy
C. Digital agony
D. Digital privacy
Solution: Digital Privacy deals with the protection of an individual’s information which is implemented while using the Internet on any computer or personal device.
Q: Which of the following is not an example of privacy-browser?
A. Epic
B. Opera
C. Brave
D. Tor
Solution: Digital Privacy gets eliminated if you are using usual browsers that do not have encrypted security measures to preserve your piracy. One appropriate solution for preserving privacy is by using browsers like Tor, Brave and Epic.
Q: ___________ is a type of DoS threats to overload a server as it sends a large number of requests requiring resources for handling & processing.
A. Physical Layer DoS
B. Application Layer DoS
C. Network Layer DoS
D. Transport Layer DoS
Solution: DoS attacks are of two types. These are Application Layer Attacks and Network Layer DoS attacks. Application Layer DoS is a type of DoS threats to overload a server as it sends a large number of requests requiring resources for handling & processing.
Q: Which of the following tech-concepts cannot be sniffed?
A. Email Traffic
B. Web Traffic
C. Router configuration
D. ISP details
Solution: Sniffing is data interception method and is not used for sniffing ISP details. It is particularly used for capturing router configuration, email traffic & web traffic.
Q: Which of the following example do not comes under network level session hijacking.
A. Domain Hijacking
B. TCP/IP Hijacking
C. Blind Hijacking
D. RST Hijacking
Solution: The network hijacking is implemented on the data flow of protocol shared by all web applications. Examples of network level hijacking are TCP/IP hijacking, RST hijacking, blind hijacking UDP hijacking etc.

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